Having grown up in Amsterdam,Holland, where our liberal ideas are pretty much the norm, I have to say that I cannot understand why this movie caused so many problems when it came out! Sure, it is a movie of the 70's when peace and love were still there amongst a lot of old and younger people in Holland.

I saw the film on a good DVD version last year and thought it was a love story about youth, rite of passage and growing up. The music in the background was pretty dire and some of the scenes were a bit dull (what was the snake scene all about??) but generally it wasn't a bad film.

Maladolensca spielen wir liebe

Maladolescenza ( German: Spielen wir Liebe) is a 1977 film directed by Pier Giuseppe Murgia. The film caused significant controversy because of its simulated sex scenes involving underage actresses, and because of that it was banned in. Reviews, tracks and shop for the 1977 Vinyl release of Maladolescenza on Discogs. Spielen wir Liebe' aka 'Maladolescenza' has to be one of the most.

If some people get wound up about preteen nudity, then all I can say is they should get a life!!

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Having grown up in Amsterdam,Holland, where our liberal ideas are pretty much the norm, I have to say that I cannot understand why this movie caused so many problems when it came out! Sure, it is a movie of the 70's when peace and love were still there amongst a lot of old and younger people in Holland. I saw the film on a good DVD version last year and thought it was a love story about youth, rite of passage and growing up. The music in the background was pretty dire and some of the scenes were a bit dull (what was the snake scene all about??) but generally it wasn't a bad film. If some people get wound up about preteen nudity, then all I can say is they should get a life!!