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To quote former President Jimmy Carter, 'I have lusted in my heart'.after first seeing Bletilla striata 'Ogon' at the JC Raulston Arboretum many years ago. We are soooo thrilled to finally have it propagated and available to share. The golden foliage, which resembles young palm leaves, emerges in mid-spring along with the new flower spikes, which quickly rise along with the leaves. The flowers of Bletilla striata 'Ogon' top out at 2' tall, about 6' above the foliage.

The contrast of the purple flower and golden foliage is one of my favorite color still, my heart. Slightly moist, rich organic soils are best, although bletilla is amazingly drought tolerant. We also find that several hours of morning sun produces brighter golden foliage and better flowering.