Whenever there's a tool with the same icon as the other (water tool and blur tool for example), they're the same tool with different settings. Just duplicate one of the main tools and change the settings to that shown in the picture.

There is other software you can use that is free. When I used Sai it had defects, and nobody was doing anything to fix it, and it is possible they see this thread because they have an account here to get more artist to by it. So it isn't a good idea to ask something like this.

If someone mentions your account name you get a message so when you mention Sai by their full name they see it. This is an artist community where companies with something to see hang out to sell they products like tablets, art supplies, and even print services besides the DA print services.

One company that is not here is FireAlpaca. They don't have anything to sell because it is a free program, and it is good, and does not need most of your computer to run it like a few other programs.

I am sorry in advance if this is the wrong forum to post. This is my second time posting here in the forums. I have questions with paint tool sai I am stuck with the default textures so I cannot get the effect I want for my briswhes because I have very little options. Then I notice that my blotmap folder has so many texture things for sai However I cant seem to use them Is it possible to use them? I know you can change the brush settings but I do not know how to change or add more textures instead of keeping the same old small amount of default textures that don't even help with getting the effect I want. What do I do in this situations? Again sorry if im posting this in the wrong forum.

I was hoping to finally get down to water coloring (since I really want to color my drawings.) You can no longer comment on this thread as it was closed due to no activity for a month. You should be able to click on the file and extract.

Malye mastera (shkola issledovatelei Dyurera, XYI-XYII vv.) little-endian 1> _knizh. Liverpul'skoe zvuchanie (stil' ispolneniya ansamblya 'Bitlz') 2> _sl. Zvuk knopki iz minuti slavi 3. Lyubitel' sporit' po pustyakam (vyrazhenie Svifta v 'Puteshestviyah Gullivera') liver bird 1> ptica laiver (na gerbe Liverpulya) liverpool 1> liverpul'skii _Ex: liverpool sound _muz. Lisichka (sozvezdie) little Masters 1> _isk.

After you abstract the information or open the file up in the correct folder in Paint Tool Sai the images should be there. You should be able to see them in brushtex or blotmap. Paint Tool Sai has a series of folders. Blank spravki s mesta raboti ukraina.

You can open certain files with notepad. You can open the following files with Notepad and edit them: Brushform.conf Brushtex.Conf Don't open the ones that end in '.BAK' The first question is: When you go into the folders for PAint Tool Sai do you see the images for the brushtex or blotmap?

If you see the images there then we are on the right track Is the program closed when you are doing this? I have Winrar. But i'll try to use Winrar.

Download the files that are in either red or pink. The three options that I get right off the bat are as follows: a. Always open files of this type c. Show in the folder If this comes up do me a favor and go with C. Show in Folder The options that i get when I right click on the file in question in the folder are as follows: 1. Open command prompt here 4.