Obrazec resheniya edinstvennogo uchreditelya o likvidacii too v rk. VB6 beginners tutorial - Learn VB6. 'Change the SortKey of the ListView 'to correspond to the SubItem in the just-clicked ColumnHeader 'MsgBox ColumnHeader.Index.

Blank medicinskaya spravka v sportzal forma 0835 89 17. Hi, the problem is that you need to setup the listview as having columns in the 'columnheader' tab of its property-page. When you add a subitem to an item in a listview while it does not have a corresponding column it will give you the Invalid Property Value error. Subitem(1) will go in column 2, Subitem(2) in column 3, and so on. Trying to access a subitem that cannot exist because there's not column for it will give you the error. __________________ code is enduring RE: listview - subitems (Programmer) 11 Oct 04 07:06.