By using the ISODRAFT command, several system variables and settings are automatically changed to values that facilitate isometric angles. The standard isometric planes, called isoplanes, are as follows: • Right. Aligns snap and grid along 30- and 90-degree axes.

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Aligns snap and grid along 90- and 150-degree axes. Aligns snap and grid along 30- and 150-degree axes. Choosing one of the three isoplanes automatically causes the crosshairs cursor, and precision drawing and tracking tools to be aligned along the corresponding isometric axes. Therefore, you can draw the top plane, switch to the left plane to draw a side, and switch to the right plane to complete the drawing. Isometric Circles, Arcs, and Fillets When drawing on isometric planes, use ellipses to represent circles. The easiest way to draw an ellipse with the correct shape is to use the Isocircle option of the ELLIPSE command. The Isocircle option is available only when an isometric plane is active, which is controlled by the ISODRAFT command or the SNAPSTYL system variable.

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Use isocircles for arcs, fillets, and any other radial curve, trimming and extending them to other edges. Isocircles correctly represent cylinders or holes that are parallel to an isometric axis, and their silhouette edges are always parallel to an isometric axis. Dungeon siege 3 pc save editor.